Tag Archives | @tips4tips

Skill Focus: Selling As A Server

Of all of the concepts I have introduced on this blog and in my book, this week’s sales focus deals with the topic that I feel most strongly about.  This is the one area I am most disappointed with how it is addressed by the restaurant industry.  So many restaurant companies now refer to their […]

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Skill Focus: Don’t Be “The Server”

Several years ago, when I was starting my previous serving job, I had a moment of server panic.  My new restaurant had just been voted the best restaurant in town.  It was busy most every night.  My sales were significantly higher than at my previous job.  The problem was that my tips were virtually the […]

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Skill Focus: Creating Regulars

I am kind of a pain to go eat with.  When I make reservations or arrive at any number of restaurants I have a conversation with the host/hostess.  Before being seated I have to determine if certain servers are working that night.  Then we all have to wait to get a table in their section. […]

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