Tag Archives | recommendations

Skills Focus: Making Recommendations

(Note: This is the first of a new weekly series called “Skills Focus.”  The purpose of these posts is to revisit a skill that has been discussed on this blog.  This will allow you to take a moment and make sure you are using this skill to increase your tips.  Taking the time each week […]

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What Goes Around

The restaurant industry is a much smaller world than you would think sometimes.  There are approximately 2.3 million servers in America at any given time.  This is a constantly changing pool though as people get out of the industry or gets promoted within it.  Approximately one out of every eighty working Americans is a server.  […]

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The Lost Art Of Suggestive Selling

“Subtlety is the art of saying what you think and getting out of the way before it is understood.” –Anonymous   We as a society have really lost the power of subtlety.  It could be because we have lost the patience to unravel it.  We receive far more information on a daily basis than our […]

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